In a shocking turn of events, Suchana Seth, the CEO of The Mindful AI Lab, an Indian AI startup based in Bengaluru, has been arrested on suspicion of murdering her four-year-old son. The distressing incident unfolded when the child’s lifeless body was discovered in Seth’s luggage during her return from Goa, leading to her immediate detention in the Chitradurga district of Karnataka.

Seth, a prominent figure in India’s tech hub, was apprehended after authorities found the tragic evidence in her luggage. The arrest took place in the Chitradurga district as she was returning from Goa by taxi. Despite being in custody, Seth remains unreachable for comments, and the authorities are uncertain about her legal representation. Efforts to contact staff at The Mindful AI Lab for comments have also been unsuccessful.

Timeline of Events

The sequence of events began when Seth checked into a hotel in Goa on Saturday accompanied by her son. However, when she checked out on Monday night, her child was noticeably absent. The discovery of blood stains in the hotel room by cleaning staff prompted them to inform the police immediately.

Goa police, taking swift action, contacted the taxi driver who transported Seth. In a coordinated effort, the driver was instructed to take her to the nearest police station. It was during the inspection of her luggage that the lifeless body of her four-year-old son was uncovered, leading to an immediate arrest.

Statements from Authorities

North Goa Superintendent of Police Nidhin Valsan conveyed the grim details to reporters, emphasizing the distressing nature of the incident. Seth’s husband, who is currently in Indonesia, has been requested to return to India, adding another layer of complexity to the situation.

Following the disturbing discovery, Seth was remanded to six days in police custody by a local court, as reported by news agency ANI. The legal proceedings will undoubtedly unfold, shedding light on the circumstances surrounding this tragic event.

The arrest of Suchana Seth, a well-known figure in the Indian tech community, has sent shockwaves throughout the industry. As the investigation proceeds, more details may emerge, but the tragic incident serves as a reminder of the complexities individuals may face beyond their professional lives.

By Admin

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