In a deeply disturbing turn of events, a former employee has leveled serious allegations against Christian Lanng, the co-founder and former CEO of Tradeshift, a tech startup. The female staffer claims that she was forced to sign a “sex slave” contract and subjected to “unwanted sexual horror” during her tenure at the company, according to a lawsuit filed in a New York court.

Details of the Accusations

The accuser, who served as an executive assistant, states in the lawsuit that Lanng, a 45-year-old executive, coerced her into signing a “sex slavery contract” months after her employment began. The shocking contract reportedly subjected her to “physical pain by various means, urinating on her, and routinely penetrating her with foreign objects.”

According to the nine-page lawsuit, Lanng was referred to as the woman’s “master,” and the contract mandated that she “must always be sexually available for her master” and never refuse his advances. The document outlined specific instructions, including the requirement for the employee to kneel in front of her master, ask if there is anything she can do for him, and never deny him sexually.

Horrific Details of the “Sex Contract”

The lawsuit reveals the horrifying clauses of the contract, which included maintaining a specific weight between 58-70 kgs and accepting physical punishment at Lanng’s discretion. The contract also stated, “The slave agrees to submit completely to the master in all ways. There are no boundaries of place, time, or situation in which the slave may willfully refuse to obey the directive of the master without risking punishment.”

The ex-employee, identified as “Doe” in the lawsuit, claimed that she signed the contract out of fear of losing her job if she did not comply. The allegations came to light after Lanng was fired by the board for “gross misconduct” following reports of the sexual harassment case.

CEO’s Response and Denial

Christian Lanng has vehemently denied all allegations, asserting that he and the plaintiff were engaged in a “consensual sexual relationship” with no such contract in existence. He characterized the accusations as an attempt to tarnish his reputation.

The disturbing nature of these allegations against the former CEO of Tradeshift has sparked outrage and concern within the tech industry. As the legal proceedings unfold, this case sheds light on the importance of creating safe and respectful workplaces. It underscores the need for transparency and accountability in addressing allegations of harassment, ensuring a workplace culture that prioritizes the well-being and dignity of every employee.

By Admin

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