Versicles Technologies, a pioneering startup based in Kerala, has unveiled a revolutionary digital health kiosk, named Prognosis, designed to offer instant and highly accurate basic diagnostics. The kiosk, equipped with a user-friendly touch screen providing video instructions, aims to deliver quick and affordable healthcare solutions. Prognosis claims to provide precise readings for blood pressure, blood sugar, heart conditions (via an ECG monitor), temperature (with a wireless Bluetooth thermometer), and weight.

One of the standout features of the kiosk is its ability to provide multilingual instructions through an AI-based voice bot. The kiosk includes a comfortable resting bench for users during tests and ensures accessibility with immediate results in under a minute. If any irregularities are detected in an individual’s vitals, the kiosk also offers instant recommendations.

Versicles Technologies envisions the Prognosis kiosk being deployed in various settings such as hospitals, offices, malls, and gyms to enhance remote care options. Each kiosk is supervised by a certified nurse who can guide users through self-assessments or periodic check-ups. Kiran Karunakaran, the founder of Versicles Technologies, expressed the company’s mission to transform how individuals access basic health checks, bridging the gap between early detection and professional healthcare.

The digital devices within the kiosk transmit data to a cloud-based medical inference AI engine. Karunakaran emphasized the kiosk’s capability to accurately identify hidden conditions like heart arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat) and diabetes, connecting users to expert medical care when needed. Manoj Dethan, CEO of Versicles Technologies, highlighted the kiosk’s potential as a cutting-edge solution for hospitals across the state, serving not only as a diagnostic tool but also as an information hub to promote health awareness.

Prognosis, accessible at, represents a significant step forward in democratizing healthcare by making essential diagnostics easily available to individuals. The integration of AI, multilingual support, and immediate results positions this digital health kiosk as a game-changer in promoting health consciousness and early intervention in the community.

Versicles Technologies has a track record of successful innovations, including the launch of Vend’N’Go, an innovative food kiosk product that has gained widespread popularity in Kerala. With Prognosis, the company aims to contribute to the broader mission of advancing health awareness and providing accessible healthcare solutions. The kiosk’s potential to serve diverse settings and deliver prompt, accurate results underscores its role as a versatile and impactful tool in the healthcare landscape.

By Admin

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